Trade Law, Contracts

Contracts for legal acts of any kind

The attorneys at LSV draft and design contracts for virtually all fields of law and provide guidance with the interpretation (meaning) of contract terms. In so doing, we pay special attention to questions related to the warranty, contractual penalties and/or indemnity. Our proposals are based upon the prevailing practice within the company, they are pragmatic and in line with the client’s corporate culture.
LSV counsels and represents clients for all matters related to Corporate Law, in particular related to purchasing, tenancy, lending and labor contract law, mainly in the following fields:

  • Plant and mechanical engineeringLaw on Bank Contracts
  • Loan and credit agreements, including credit protection law
  • Commercial agency, brokerage and sales law
  • Inheritance law
  • Franchising and licensing law
  • Real estate law (e.g. sales and purchases, transfers, WEG)
  • Leasing right
  • Transport right
  • Product liability (in particular Product Liability Act [ProdHaftG], tort liability)

Always in compliance with the General Terms and conditions [Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB].
Warranty, guarantee and indemnification claims

The question often arises about the entitlements in connection with deficient and/or non-performance (specifically delay or financial default). This usually involves the assessment of warranty, guarantee and/or indemnification claims and how such alleged claims can be warded off successfully.  
Review of the legal validity

In the context of our mandates, we ensure that the contracts are designed to match the corporate routine and represent the client’s interests during contract negotiations. Our services include the review of existing contracts with regard to legal loopholes, e.g. a lack of agreement, with regard to the compliance with formal requirements as well as the legal stipulations (in particular sections 125, 128, 134, 138 of the Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB] and section 305 et sqq. of the BGB).
General Terms and conditions (AGB)

The range of services provided by LSV includes drafting or reviewing the industry-specific AGB.
Contract conclusion methods (online)

LSV provides advice in regard to the optimization of standardized contract conclusions (e.g. for online transactions), taking into account the legal obligations to inform and instruct in particular vis-à-vis consumers. Distance selling contracts are contracts to be concluded by means of the internet, telephone and/or fax, and for which the contracting party is obligated to observe the statutory right of revocation as well as any other consumer protection laws (section 312 et sqq. of the BGB).